Group History
Where it all began
The 11th High Wycombe Scout Group began in Hazlemere in 1979.
Original Group Headquarters in Beaumont Way
Prior to the second world war, the land on which the Group Headquarters is now built formed part of the grounds of Hazlemere Lodge. For many years the Lodge was the home of the Leadbetter family who were famous for the many rare breeds of wild animals kept in the grounds. The sizeable menagerie consisted of hyenas, lions, a monkey, and two bears. According to local papers, the lions escaped at least twice and the monkey would attack female visitors!
Grand Opening in 1983

The original Group Headquarters was opened on Monday 3rd October 1983, by then Chief Scout, Major-General Michael J.H. Walsh CB DSO.
The whole Group was in attendance. At the time this included 20 Beavers, 40 Cubs, 32 Scouts, 19 Venture Scouts, and 22 Leaders.
The building was designed to give a “barn” like appearance with a steeply pitched roof and part hipped ends. The building was 200 square metres in size, of which over half was taken up by the main activities hall. Also within the building was the Quartermaster’s stores, Leaders Den, kitchen and toilets.
The design and construction of the building was decided by the Group Executive, and whilst some construction works were undertaken by skilled craftsmen, a good deal of the work was carried out by parents and friends of the Group.
See a copy of the original commemorative booklet from the opening in 1983:
Annual Camps of the 70s, 80s and 90s
In a world before email, arrangements for camps were communicated via a camp booklet. These booklets provided details to the young people and their parents about the location of the camp, logisitics, kit lists and proposed activities. Today, they provide a facinating insight into the history of the 11th and past camps.
More to be added soon… watch this space!