Nothing is required for the first few meetings. We encourage you to wait until your child decides they would like to continue attending, before spending money on uniform.
When they are ready to be invested
When your child is ready to be invested, they will need uniform. Squirrels, Beavers and Cubs need the respective sweatshirt, and Scouts need a shirt/blouse. These can be purchased from the Scout Store online. They will receive a group scarf, woggle and badges as part of the investiture ceremony.
Plain navy shorts or trousers should also be worn. These do not neccessarily need to be Scout branded. (If desired, branded shorts and trousers are available to purchase from the Scout Store.)
Is uniform compulsory?
The Scout Association is a uniformed organisation. In practical terms, this means that all Squirrels, Beavers and Cubs should possess the relevant sweatshirt, and Scouts should possess a shirt/blouse.
Occasionally, we will have non-uniformed sessions. Leaders will inform parents in advance of this.
Activity Wear (optional)
Activity wear (t-shirts and hoodies) for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are available to purchase directly from Tee Tree Group Limited in Bourne End. Red kit is for the young people, black kit is for leaders. Orders can be collected for free from Tee Tree in Bourne End.
Badge Placement
Wondering where to put all those badges?!
The easiest way to find out where badges need to go is to refer to OSM. Once logged in, click ‘Badges’ from the navigation menu. Then select ‘Uniform’ from the tab at the top. You will then see a personalised diagram of where badges need to be sewn onto the uniform.
Alternatively, please visit the main Scout UK website here:
Squirrels uniform and badge placement | Cubs uniform and badge placement |
Beavers uniform and badge placement | Scout uniform and badge placement |
Non Uniform Badges
We occasionally distribute non-uniform badges. These are badges which commemorate a particular event and should not be added to uniform. These can be displayed on camp blankets.
Badges that should be transferred when moving up to a new section (e.g. Moving from Beavers to Cubs)
While some badges are specific to a section, some badges should be moved onto the new uniform when a young person moves up from one section to another, e.g., Beavers to Cubs.
The Membership Badge
The Membership Badge is awarded when a young person makes their first promise. When they are invested in their new section, the Membership Badge should move to their new uniform.

Staged Badges
Staged activity badges are not section specific and should be transferred to the new uniform. Each stage has a number on the badge, only the highest should be worn on the uniform. E.g., if the young person has the Nights Away Stage 1 badge but then goes on another camp, they will be awarded the Nights Away Stage 2 badge. The Stage 1 badge should be removed and replaced with the Stage 2 badge. Removed badges can go on their camp blanket.

District and County Badges & Group Name Tape
The district, county and group name tape badges should transfer to the new uniform provided the new section is within the same group, district and county as the last one.

Top Awards
Bronze, Silver and Gold Chief Scout Awards are huge achievements and should be worn with pride. The highest award is the one that should be worn. If the bronze award is achieved in Beavers, then it can be worn in Cubs until the silver award is earnt, at which time it should come off and can be sewn onto a camp blanket.