
  • Today, the Cubs were challenged to build bug hotels using recycled materials. They worked together to develop a design – which isn’t always easy when there are so many different […]

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  • The Cubs had requested to work on their Road Safety Badges. So, today we set off around Hazlemere learning about the different street signs and practicing crossing the road with […]

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  • Working towards our Skills Challenge awards, the Cubs worked on a number of life skills today. There were different stations where the Cubs practiced peeling and cutting vegetables, washing windows, […]

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  • Tonight the Cubs started work on their World Faiths badge. We visited All Saints Church in High Wycombe and met the fabulous Father Anthony who gave us a tour and […]

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  • It’s all in the title really – this hike really was all about endurance! Due to the recent heavy rain, the Cubs had to tackle very muddy conditions. Parts of […]

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  • The Cubs learnt some important key skills tonight from two amazing paramedics – Rich & Laura. We talked about asthma, burns, bleeds and allergic reactions. We also practiced putting our […]

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  • This weekend the Cubs joined the Beavers and Scouts for our first ever trampoline park group sleepover. They bounced, ate pizza, watched a movie, stayed up late and had lots […]

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  • What a night?! We had Huw from Multiply Music along this evening to give us an introduction to MUSIC! Multiply Music has become a well-known and trusted 1-2-1 educational service […]

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  • Tonight the cubs showed off the skills they have developed over the past few weeks with hammers and screwdrivers. Between them, they worked in small teams and built 7 bird […]

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  • Tonight we received a visit from Inspector Owen from the Metropolitan Police Service. We learnt about the various roles in the police, and when we should and shouldn’t dial 999. […]

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