
  • What a great way to start back after the Easter break?! Back at the Phoenix Building, and we thought we’d start the term by practicing fire lighting. In Scouting, we […]

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  • The group received a generous invitation from another High Wycombe Scout Group to attend “Iftar Under the Stars”. The 28th High Wycombe Group is an all-Muslim group in Totteridge and […]

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  • The Cubs enjoyed a very energetic sports evening tonight. With the 2024 Olympics on their way, we wanted to get a head start with some energetic fun and games. We […]

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  • Our newest cub of the month is… MONTY! Monty is a fantastic cub. He always engages in our weekly meetings, he asks great questions and often teaches the rest of […]

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  • Over the holidays, many of the Cubs enjoyed the new Chicken Run movie. Following this, we decided that we’d have a look at the process of making animated movies. In […]

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  • We have four groups in our Cub Pack, called Sixes. These are named yellow, white, blue and green. Each Six is headed by a Sixer and deputised by a Seconder. […]

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  • The Cubs have been truly amazing these past few months. The Leaders decided to introduce Cub of the Month to recognise outstanding Cubs. The award is given on the basis […]

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  • It was a super evening this evening, well done Cubs! First we held an end of term Cub Pack Forum. This is where we reflect on what we’ve done, what […]

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  • When the Cubs arrived tonight they discovered there was a big problem at the school hall. There was an unknown issue, and the Cubs needed to use their detective skills […]

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  • We’ve been working on our scientist badges since the beginning of term. Over the past few weeks we’ve built towers from marshmallows and spaghetti, we experimented with changing colour celery, […]

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