Following a break for half term, the Cubs are back, and so are Rich and Laura – our friendly paramedics. Tonight the Cubs learning how to apply bandages and what […]
This was a big challenge for the Cubs. A 3km hike through Penn Woods in the dark. It was VERY muddy, which made it even harder. The Cubs were well […]
One of the Cubs most favourite activities is making fires and cooking treats. Tonight, we experimented with baked apples cooked on the embers of the fire. We also had marshmallows […]
Tonight, the Cubs practised their whittling skills. They explored the compound and found suitable sticks, then returned to the hall to try and whittle a face. This was a real […]
Tonight the Cubs took on a new challenge – teaching another Cub a new skill. It’s amazing how talented how Cubs are. We saw lots of skills being shared, including:
This November, we invited the Cubs to Braid Wood Campsite in Chesham, for a 1 night action packed residential. The Leaders were excited to announce the introduction of our new […]
This week we started work towards our gardening badges. The Cubs were knowledgable about the essential needs of plants and got very muddy planting daffodil bulbs in pots. We are […]
We were delighted to be invited to St Michael & All Angels, Hughenden Parish Church to participate in their Remembrance Sunday service. Seven Cubs attended – Henry O, Henry P, Noah […]
The Cubs heard a very moving story about remembrance tonight. It was fantastic to see them listening so intently and asking insightful questions. Afterwards, the Cubs learnt how to sew […]
We were honoured to be invited to Bhaktivedanta Manor in Watford to learn more about Diwali. We visited the Temple, heard from our new friends about their religion, and even […]