Launching Squirrel Scouts


We are thrilled to announce the opening of a new Squirrel Scouts Drey. This exciting new addition to the 11th High Wycombe Scout Group is a testament to our Group’s commitment to providing opportunities for young people in the Hazlemere community to learn, grow and have fun.

The opening of the new section has been generously supported by a charitable grant from the Hazlemere Memorial Hall.

The Squirrel Scouts program is designed for children aged 4-6 years old and offers a wide range of fun and educational activities. From outdoor adventures to badge-earning opportunities, the program is tailored to provide children with the skills they need for life. The one-hour sessions are led by experienced and dedicated leaders committed to ensuring every child has a positive and enjoyable experience.

Calling new volunteers!

To support the roll out of our new Squirrel Scouts Drey, we’re now calling for adults, including parents and carers to step forward. We’re showing adults how volunteering for Scouts not only helps young people, but is good for them too, supporting wellbeing and building skills for employment and education.

So, if you fancy branching out, are good at fist pumps and tying shoe laces, and believe in helping young people aged 4-6 get the very best start in life, then please consider joining our family of volunteers. Whatever your skillset, lend a hand for as little or as much time as you can spare, and we promise you’ll get as much out of it as you put in. You don’t need to be Bear Grylls to join us and we’re only able to change lives because ordinary people like you lend a hand. We provide the training. You show up, get stuck in, and make memories for life. Sounds fun? Worthwhile? It is…

Interested in signing up your child?

Our Squirrel Scouts Drey is already oversubscribed, a testament to the enthusiasm for this new section. But, you can still sign your young person up to our waiting list. Priority will be given to children of our volunteers.

Squirrel Scouts will be meeting on Thursday’s, 5-6pm.