Road Safety & Campfire Skits


We started today by finishing our Road Safety badges. We needed to learn the dangers of being disruptive car passengers. So, the Cubs drove remote control cars around a course whilst their fellow Cubs were being ‘well behaved car passengers’. They then repeated the task with their passengers being as disruptive as possible! (This was actually deafening!).

By the end, the Cubs had a clear understanding that it is far more difficult to concentrate on driving when there are distractions.

Navigating the cones with the remote control cars…

We then moved outside and set up a campfire, ready for campfire skits. ‘Skits’ are short comedy performances that are created by Cubs and performed around the campfire for entertainment. The Cubs really engaged with this activity and we received some particularly memorable performances.

Performances included:

‘Clean Socks’ by Monty and gang

‘Clothes from John Lewis’ by the green six

‘Shut up and Trouble’ by Isla and Flo

‘Puppy in the box’ by Luke, Alfie and Austin

‘Need the time’ by Henry P and gang

Also, special mentions to the creative minds behind the very original performance of ‘zombie apocalypse’, and to Joshua for his unforgettable scream!

Puppy in the box
Shut up and trouble 
Clothes from John Lewis