Lighting fires and eating marshmallows


What a great way to start back after the Easter break?!

Back at the Phoenix Building, and we thought we’d start the term by practicing fire lighting.

In Scouting, we don’t use matches to light fires as they can get wet, so they’re not that reliable at camp.

We have shown the Cubs how to use a flint and steel to light a fire before, but it’s a tricky technique and in the past it has been very difficult for some Cubs.

Today the Leaders were on a mission to ensure each and every Cub managed to light their own fire with a flint and steel….

Here’s Akela showing the Cubs how it’s done…
The Cubs made their own wind breaks
Oscar showing us how it’s done…

By the end of the evening, EVERY SINGLE CUB managed to light their own fire!! Whoop whoop!

With the hard work out the way, we then got on with what Cubs do best… toasting marshmallows, sweet waffles and chocolate bananas! 😋