Endurance 10km Cub Hike


It’s all in the title really – this hike really was all about endurance!

Due to the recent heavy rain, the Cubs had to tackle very muddy conditions. Parts of the course were entirely flooded and they had to wade in ankle deep water. It’s no fun hiking in wet boots, and the cold and length of the course challenged us too.

It’s safe to say that some of the Cubs found this massively challenging – but what achievement?! Every single one of our Cubs did a great job and successfully completed the course in just over 3 hours.

They overcame cold feet, mud, blisters, mud, tiredness, mud, hunger, mud, rain and more mud.

Well done to all Cubs – an absolutely smashing achievement.

Phoenix 1 – Starting off…
Phoenix 2 – Starting off…
Starting to get muddy…

Serious puddle…

More serious puddles…

Dryish land…

A new badge for our CAMP BLANKETS! Yay!