Introducing our first ever Cub of the Month!


The Cubs have been truly amazing these past few months. The Leaders decided to introduce Cub of the Month to recognise outstanding Cubs.

The award is given on the basis of:

  • Weekly attendance
  • Positive attitude and engagement with activities
  • Keeping the Cub Scout Promise and Law (always do their best, think of others before themselves, and do a good turn every day)

In our first meeting of term, we awarded the first ever Cub of the Month to ARTHUR! Well done Arthur!

Arthur attended every session throughout December. He is always positive in meetings, and helps other Cubs when he can. He is a fantastic role model as Sixer for the yellow six. He also took the initiative to work on badges at home.

Arthur has been given our new special woggle to wear during January. At the beginning of February it will be passed to our new Cub of the Month – who will that be…???