
  • Back in the woods

    Back in the woods

    The Cubs had a new challenge this week… how to put up scout hammocks! This was a lot of fun with many cubs trying out the hammocks and deciding whether […]

  • Welcome to the Autumn term

    Welcome to the Autumn term

    The Cubs were welcomed back to the autumn term with an evening of pioneering. They learnt how to make a clove hitch, and then use this new skill to create […]

  • Splashing about on the river

    Splashing about on the river

    The Cubs had an amazing start of term with a day of paddleboarding and orienteering, thanks to our friends at Merchant Taylor’s School in Moor Park. The day couldn’t have […]

  • Launching Squirrel Scouts

    Launching Squirrel Scouts

    We are thrilled to announce the opening of a new Squirrel Scouts Drey. This exciting new addition to the 11th High Wycombe Scout Group is a testament to our Group’s commitment to providing opportunities for […]

  • Spirit of the Wild

    Spirit of the Wild

    Huge thanks to Ben, from Spirit of the Wild, who brought his fantastic zoo to meet the Cubs tonight. We met owls, a kestrel, a parrot, a scary spider, a […]

  • Phoenix Camp

    Phoenix Camp

    Well done to the 16 Cubs who attended Phoenix Camp on 29/30 June. The Cubs were faced with lots of new challenges and did amazingly well. Thank you to the […]

  • Road Safety & Campfire Skits

    Road Safety & Campfire Skits

    We started today by finishing our Road Safety badges. We needed to learn the dangers of being disruptive car passengers. So, the Cubs drove remote control cars around a course […]

  • …a bit more DIY

    …a bit more DIY

    So, we don’t usually do the same thing two weeks in a row. But, the Cubs absolutely loved getting their hands on tools last week. And, I am a complete […]

  • Building bug hotels

    Building bug hotels

    Today, the Cubs were challenged to build bug hotels using recycled materials. They worked together to develop a design – which isn’t always easy when there are so many different […]

  • Gilwell Fundays 2024

    Gilwell Fundays 2024

    What an amazing time we all had at Gilwell Fundays 2024!? First of all… a huge thanks to the parents and Leaders who made the camp possible. Second of all… […]

  • Road safety and National Fish & Chips Day!

    Road safety and National Fish & Chips Day!

    The Cubs had requested to work on their Road Safety Badges. So, today we set off around Hazlemere learning about the different street signs and practicing crossing the road with […]

  • Core skills week

    Core skills week

    Working towards our Skills Challenge awards, the Cubs worked on a number of life skills today. There were different stations where the Cubs practiced peeling and cutting vegetables, washing windows, […]

  • Orienteering


    The Cubs tried their hand at orienteering tonight. We are hoping to participate in the Big O (a county organised orienteering event) later in the year, so we thought we’d […]

  • Den Building

    Den Building

    23 Cubs with one mission… to build the most amazing den! The Cubs really worked on their team building and problem solving skills today. It was interesting to watch them […]

  • Lighting fires and eating marshmallows

    Lighting fires and eating marshmallows

    What a great way to start back after the Easter break?! Back at the Phoenix Building, and we thought we’d start the term by practicing fire lighting. In Scouting, we […]

  • Iftar under the stars

    Iftar under the stars

    The group received a generous invitation from another High Wycombe Scout Group to attend “Iftar Under the Stars”. The 28th High Wycombe Group is an all-Muslim group in Totteridge and […]

  • Sports Evening

    Sports Evening

    The Cubs enjoyed a very energetic sports evening tonight. With the 2024 Olympics on their way, we wanted to get a head start with some energetic fun and games. We […]

  • All Saints Church Visit

    All Saints Church Visit

    Tonight the Cubs started work on their World Faiths badge. We visited All Saints Church in High Wycombe and met the fabulous Father Anthony who gave us a tour and […]

  • Endurance 10km Cub Hike

    Endurance 10km Cub Hike

    It’s all in the title really – this hike really was all about endurance! Due to the recent heavy rain, the Cubs had to tackle very muddy conditions. Parts of […]

  • Emergency Aid evening

    Emergency Aid evening

    The Cubs learnt some important key skills tonight from two amazing paramedics – Rich & Laura. We talked about asthma, burns, bleeds and allergic reactions. We also practiced putting our […]

  • Cub of the month

    Cub of the month

    Our newest cub of the month is… MONTY! Monty is a fantastic cub. He always engages in our weekly meetings, he asks great questions and often teaches the rest of […]

  • Bounce!

    This weekend the Cubs joined the Beavers and Scouts for our first ever trampoline park group sleepover. They bounced, ate pizza, watched a movie, stayed up late and had lots […]

  • Multiply Music

    What a night?! We had Huw from Multiply Music along this evening to give us an introduction to MUSIC! Multiply Music has become a well-known and trusted 1-2-1 educational service […]

  • Animation ROCKS!

    Animation ROCKS!

    Over the holidays, many of the Cubs enjoyed the new Chicken Run movie. Following this, we decided that we’d have a look at the process of making animated movies. In […]

  • Congratulations to our new Seconders!

    Congratulations to our new Seconders!

    We have four groups in our Cub Pack, called Sixes. These are named yellow, white, blue and green. Each Six is headed by a Sixer and deputised by a Seconder. […]