Splashing about on the river


The Cubs had an amazing start of term with a day of paddleboarding and orienteering, thanks to our friends at Merchant Taylor’s School in Moor Park.

The day couldn’t have been possible without our fabulous parent helpers – thank you so much for your time, it is greatly appreciated.


The day kicked off with a safety briefing…

Followed by some dry land skills training…

Then it was time to take to the water…

It wasn’t long before they started falling in…

But they were soon on their feet, and mastering their boards…

Amazing skills:

It’s all good fun when the Leaders fall in…

Some Leaders were definitely more skilled than others…


Whilst half the group were on or in the water, the other half were participating in a 2km orienteering course.

The Cubs were really challenged as this course required them to use their map reading skills to find the hidden flags. They worked in teams of 3 or 4 and the Leaders were really impressed by the problem solving and teamwork on display.

The Cubs navigated the course around the lake and found all the flags quickly followed by the Leaders on mountain bikes trying desperately to keep up!

It was lots of fun and the Cubs are looking to the next orienteering event in October.

PS. At the end of the day the Leaders had to complete the course one more time in order to retrieve all the flags. Did they remember where all the flags were, and find them quickly so we could all go home???? Thats a very good question…. (to which the answer is no).