Sports Evening


The Cubs enjoyed a very energetic sports evening tonight. With the 2024 Olympics on their way, we wanted to get a head start with some energetic fun and games. We discussed the importance of a warm up and warm down, suitable clothing for sport activities and the importance of good hydration.

We started with a traditional egg and spoon race..

We then competed in a sack race, which the Cubs found really slippery on the school hall floor.

After a few rounds of throwing bean bags at targets, we moved onto the bleep test.

The bleep test is an event whereby participants run between two markers before the sound of the bleep. The bleeps become more frequent, and the participants have to run faster.

The Cubs were amazing at the bleep test, and one particular runner (Charlie S) made it all the way to level 21!!

This activity was so popular, the Cubs have made us promised to repeat this activity in the summer term outside on the grass.