All Saints Church Visit


Tonight the Cubs started work on their World Faiths badge.

We visited All Saints Church in High Wycombe and met the fabulous Father Anthony who gave us a tour and told us a little bit about Christianity.

It was a great evening. Huge thanks to the parents for bringing the Cubs down to High Wycombe for the evening, and big thanks to Bagheera for arranging everything.

Next term, we plan to learn about another world faith… and potentially visit another religious building.

Church Tour…

On their tour of the church, the Cubs started by trying hand bell ringing.

Then, they climbed to the very top of the tower and learnt about the bells from the bell ringers.

Bell Tower
Climbing back down the stairs…

Father Anthony then talked to us about how the church is used in Christianity.

We met Finn, the amazing 16-year old organ player.

Finn has been playing for less than a year!
Father Anthony showed the Cubs other areas of the church
Just as we were leaving, we were treated to some professional bell ringing