Animation ROCKS!


Over the holidays, many of the Cubs enjoyed the new Chicken Run movie. Following this, we decided that we’d have a look at the process of making animated movies.

In week 1, the Cubs created their story boards in their Sixes. Working together, they Developed characters and a plot for their animation movies. They also assigned each other tasks for the following week. Some had to bring characters, some had to bring a vehicle. Others were in charge of scenery or staging.

All the important roles were allocated – Director, Producer, Stage Manager, Camera Operator…. and they were finally ready for week 2 – FILMING WEEK!

White Six working on their movie…
The Yellow Six here adding very noisy sound effects to their masterpiece…
The Green Six having fun with their football theme creation…

All the Cubs worked really hard to create some fantastic movies.

The Cubs said that whilst creating a story and an animated movie by yourself is easy, doing it in a team is actually 10x harder.

The Cubs did fantastically well to navigate this challenging team activity.

Here is the output of all their hard work… ENJOY!

Yellow Six
Green Six
White Six
Blue Six